Publication Number: ER 1165-2-131
Title: Water Resources Policies and Authorities - Local Cooperation Agreements for New Start Construction Projects
Proponent: CECW-RN
Publication Date: 15 April 1989
Distribution Restriction Statement: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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Basic document (This file is exclusive of appendices.)
Appendix A - Model LCA for Structural Flood Control Projects
Appendix B - Example of Federal/non-Federal Allocations of Funds
Appendix C - Schedule for Execution of LCA's
Appendix D - Model LCA for Harbor Projects
Appendix E - HQUSACE LCA Processing Procedure
Appendix F - Cost Sharing Provisions of PL 99-662
Appendix G - Navigation Example
Appendix H - Model Escrow Agreement
Appendix I - Deferred Payments by non-Federal Interests